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Disrupting Your Sales Process To Make it Better

Disrupting Your Sales Process To Make it Better

Sometimes your sales organization gets stuck in such a rut that no amount of improvement upon the old tactics will turn around their fortunes. Instead of returning back the same old drawing board, these organizations should look for ways to disrupt their sales process through innovation. Big changes have a way of making everyone sit up and pay attention, sales reps and their prospects included.

Sales video communications can be one way to affect this type of major change. Incorporating it into your sales process can invigorate your staff and give your leads new reasons to get excited about your solution. Here are just some of the ways sales video content can help your organization change the way it reaches out to leads:

Do Social Research, and Incorporate Your Findings in Emails of Personalized Sales Videos

Digital prospecting more often than not leads to ignored emails, but including a personalized video and mentioning it in the subject line can help boost your open rates tremendously. How much? According to the Huffington Post, the town of Enfield, CT saw a 28 percent increase in click-throughs when they began to include video in their emails.

But we’ve had even greater success: inclusion of a video in our own sales team’s emails has made our email campaigns 10 times more effective compared to emails without video.

Part of this success lies in the power of video, but we also make sure to personalize each video we send while email prospecting. By scouting out social insights using social selling techniques on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and more, our sales staff makes sure to incorporate elements that are most likely to appeal to their prospect and touch upon a pain point they have.

Personalized Sales Video Does More Than Nurture Leads, It Also Promotes Mindshare

When outlining the sales processes, most strategies neglect huge gaps in between steps where the sales associate has no influence. During these gaps, key players can drift in and out of the scene, greatly hurting the odds of a win. Competitors may drift in, key stakeholders may drift out, space grows between seller and buyer as the two drift apart.

Without some sort of glue, this drifting is inevitable. Personalized sales videos can be that glue. By inserting a personalized video in the right way at the right time, you can bridge the gaps in the sales process.

The result? You capture more mindshare from the buying group. They have better recall of the messaging you have sent them through your videos, but they can also feel like they have come to their own conclusions despite your influence. These moments ensure that you can still be a voice in the room to align stakeholders even when you have not recently contacted your leads. You can stay top-of-mind and ensure that recall on your messaging is strong, all through impactful videos.

Share Insights From Within Your Own Organization

Sometimes, business professionals advise that companies refrain from showing “how the sausage gets made” — aka how internal processes work — because the process is almost always less appealing than the final product.

While this can be true in many cases, other businesses have to make sausages of their own, so videos that offer “sausage making tips” can actually be quite relevant and relieve pain points an organization has been feeling. This type of content can allow you to cultivate affinity within your target buyer group before you send them more directly sales-related content through personalized video.

These tactics can all help shake up practices that have been set in stone, helping to energize both your sales staff and their prospecting list. Keep applying creativity, and you will be rewarded for trying a novel approach that actually gets you noticed and drives results.
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