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Web Presenting Fundamentals

Web Presenting Fundamentals


We are sure you have heard, but just to reiterate: Online is the new in-person. Whether we are talking about social media, video for marketing purposes or email, more and more of our interactions are happening online. As a modern business, it is important for you to adapt and keep up with the times—be ahead of your buyer when it comes to technology and sales methods, so they do not see what is coming. Web presentations are becoming key to the sales process.

There are plenty of effective web presentation tools on the market, but are you using them correctly? Some of them have many clever functions that would take your presentation to the next level, yet so many sales professionals just use them for screen sharing and slideshows. However, think about what they say about our brains: if it is true we only use 10% of them, what could we do if we had access to the other 90%? Thankfully, it is much easier (and less theoretical) to access the 90% of web presentation tools that we tend to ignore. Here are some fundamentals to know when dealing with different web presentation tools.

 Learn Your Tools Beforehand

 There are tons of different features available to you no matter what web presentation software you are using. Most presentations involve a standard slideshow, and we are sure you have got this part down—but what about the other features? Take some time really to explore your web presentation software and all of its features before starting to use it for presentation.

There are likely many possible features that benefit you as the seller. For example, many web presentation tools have a poll function so that you can receive feedback from every prospect “attending” your webinar. This helps you sort out potential glitches in the presentation as well as gather useful information about your audience and buyer behaviors. Knowing what you can do with your web presenting software will make the experience more beneficial for both you and potential buyers.

 Treat Online Like In-Person

 Just because you are presenting through a computer screen and your buyers likely will not be seeing your face, that does not mean it is any less important. Take the time to practice your presentation beforehand so it goes as smoothly as possible, just like you would if you were to present in person. Learn as much about your buyers beforehand as you can so you can educate them on why they need your product. Finally, make sure any other team members assisting with the presentation on your end have the proper meeting etiquette; if someone else shows up late, it makes you look bad!

 Attend a Webinar

Learning the various features and functions of web presentation tools can be tricky, and it is best done through experience. A webinar is an excellent way to experience a web presentation from the aspect of the buyer, i.e. the person or team you would be presenting to in the future. 

Good news! We have produced a series of  free webinars that will teach you everything you need to know about web presenting. You’ll learn how vital it is to use video in your sales process, including step-by-step instructions for how to close more sales using web presentations. and get started revamping your marketing funnel ASAP!





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