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What is Presales & How it Powers Business Growth

What is Presales & How it Powers Business Growth

In a fast-paced world of technology SaaS, manufacturing or professional services, success hinges not only on the quality of your product but also on your ability to effectively engage potential customers and showcase the value of your solution. This is where presales comes into play - a vital component of the sales process that often makes the difference between closing a deal and losing a prospect to the competition.

But what exactly is presales, and why is it crucial for all industries?

Understanding Presales

What is presales?

Presales, also known as pre-sales or solutions consulting, refers to the process of engaging with potential customers before they make a purchasing decision. It involves understanding their needs, demonstrating how your solutions can address those needs, and ultimately guiding them towards a buying decision.

A Strategic Approach to Sales Success

Presales is a collaborative effort that combines customer engagement, technical expertise, solution design, presentation skills, and market knowledge to effectively support the sales process (avoid sales discovery mistakes) and drive business growth.

  1. Customer Engagement: Engaging with potential customers to understand their requirements, challenges, and objectives. This involves active communication through various channels such as email, phone calls, meetings, and presentations.

  2. Technical Expertise: Depending on the complexity of the product or service, presales teams may require technical expertise to explain how the solution works, integrate with existing systems, and address technical questions or concerns from customers.

  3. Solution Design: Presales often involves designing customized solutions tailored to meet the specific requirements of individual customers. This may include creating proposals, demos, prototypes, or proof of concepts to demonstrate how the solution will address the customer's needs.

  4. Presentation Skills: Presenting the product or service to potential customers through demo technology, presentations, or workshops. This involves showcasing key features, benefits, and techniques such as the CDIM™ Discovery Framework, to illustrate how the solution adds value to the customer's business. 

  5. Market Knowledge: Conducting market research and competitive analysis to understand industry trends, customer preferences, and competitor offerings. This information helps presales teams position their products or services effectively and differentiate them from competitors.

Woman from 2Win Global Leading a Presales Training on Demo2Win

How it Works

The Presales Process Unveiled

The presales process typically begins with identifying and qualifying leads - potential customers who have expressed interest in your offering. From there, presales consultants step in to engage with these leads, conducting discovery sessions to uncover their pain points, goals, and requirements.

Armed with this valuable insight, presales consultants then craft tailored solutions, leveraging their deep understanding of the landscape to design demos, presentations, and proposals that resonate with the prospect's specific needs.

Presales Consultant: The Architect of Solutions

At the heart of presales is the presales consultant (or solutions consultant) - a skilled professional with a unique blend of technical expertise, sales acumen, and customer-centric mindset (see these 4 tips for sales leaders). Presales consultants serve as the bridge between the technical intricacies of your industry and the business challenges faced by potential customers. They excel at articulating the value proposition of the solution, addressing objections, and building trust with prospects.

Harnessing the Power of Demos

Central to the presales process are product demos, dynamic presentations that showcase the features and functionalities of the solution in action. A well-executed demo not only highlights the value proposition of the product but also allows prospects to visualize how it can address their specific challenges and drive tangible business outcomes. Learn how to craft winning automated demos!

Presales vs. Sales

While sales teams focus on closing deals, presales teams lay the groundwork for success by nurturing relationships, educating prospects, and demonstrating the capabilities of the solution. In essence, presales and sales complement each other, working hand in hand to drive revenue and fuel business growth.

How We Help

Empowering Success Through Presales Excellence

In the competitive landscape of healthcare, investment firms, finance and education, presales excellence is not just a luxury - it's a strategic imperative. By investing in a robust presales strategy, organizations can elevate their sales efforts, differentiate themselves from competitors, and ultimately, win the hearts and minds of customers.

The use of 2Win's Presales Training Programs

We recommend checking out the following presales training programs, which are specialized programs designed to equip individuals with the skills, knowledge, and expertise required to excel in presales roles within the technology industry.

At 2Win! Global, we understand the pivotal role presales plays in driving success. Our team of seasoned presales experts is dedicated to empowering organizations with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to excel in presales and unlock the full potential of their industry specific solutions.

Are you ready to take your presales game to the next level? Contact us today to learn how 2Win!

Virtual call from 2Win Global Leading a Presales Training on Demo2Win
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